『Our future for everyone』
I want to change the world with our hand.
I have five reasons for this.
First I was surprised to know there are about 800 million people who are suffuring from poverty.
They live less than 1.9 dollers a day. This is only about 200 yen.What a less money this is !
We have to set a goal of reducing such a people by 2030.To acheive this goal I think we need to everyone's help.If this goal achieved , thier lives will be much comfortable.
Second there are about 700 million people who suffring from hanger. I was surprised to know that the food we leftover is much larger then that supply to deveroping countries! In Japan we waste food about a bowl of rice per a day. We must improve these situaition. As we can do not leftover food ,buy only necessary groseries and so on.I hope that everyone live in a equal and wonderful world.
Third there are about 800 miliion people who can not go to school.
As a reason they have to do the work , thier parents do not have enougth money to go to school children.Most of them want to go to the school but they can not.They want to learn!Some of them want to save their parents to be a police,nurce or teacher.They really consider their family. They are kind.I really want to achieve thier dream.To do this I need to everyone's help.Let's make a wonderful world with us!
Fourth we have to know gender equality must be achieved.There are many women who do not wanted pregnancy. We must respect hers opinion.Also I do not think that housework should do only women.
I think it is important to live without prejudge. All the people can live freely! I really hope such a world.
To acheive this goal we need everyone’s cooperation.
Fifth I think that we need to connect to many countries.SDGs is not goal one counties. All the countries must help each other.In other words if,it will be achieved we connect! To do this at first we have to learn about SDGs. Some of us may do not know about SDGs so we have to spread this. Another you may good idea would be to participate in volunteer activeties related in SDGs. That experience would open your eyes. You could see a new would! If you do not this experience , you can support companies which
are working hard to achieve the SDGs.There are a lot of things you can do for the SDGs.
Finally I am going to tell you myself. I really want to be a teacher to help children. I want them to learn a lot of things. I want to tell them the joy of learning. Everybody can live thier own life.Everybody can be proud of yourself. That’s what SDGs are for.Everyone,it is time to stand. It is time to change the world.