

『The importance of partnership in SDGs』


『The importance of partnership in SDGs』


The SDGs established in 2015 were brought to end all nationwide problems by 2030 in the next 9 years. However, it looks as though little progress has been made in the last 6 years.Climate change is ongoing, inequality still exists and even the socially vulnerable are exposed in both developed and developing countries.

Why could this be happening? I believe that it is because there is a misconception amongst the population, that the 2030 Agenda is confined solely to the Government or the NGOs. In one of the surveys I took during the course showed that only few had known that the SDGs were at the initiatives of everyone, not just the Government alone. Indeed, the United Nations were the one who founded the SDGs, but it was only made in the trust of everyone who is willing to stand up for those objectives.

One of the fundamental objectives of SDGs in my opinion is Goal 17: strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership. For a sustainable development agenda to be successful, it is essential for a partnership between the government and the private sector to be ripe. Absence of this partnership would inhibit the development of a sustainable society. For example, in most developing countries like Cambodia, because they lack the finances to build new schools and give balanced employment to families, it is necessary for the developed countries to give economic aid to the authorities.

I have felt the importance of partnership through my experience with volunteering to teach children in Cambodia. The volunteer itself certainly would not have been made possible without the collaboration of various people from all sectors, like the volunteers, the locals and the staff of BoraPura. I believe that the same kind of collaboration could be applied to all scales of problems the world faces today. Therefore, even for a nationwide problem such as climate change to be solved, it is essential that everyone must combine efforts for a common goal.

In conclusion, if we want to reach the goal by 2030 we must forget about our differences and take hands.I will try and spread the importance of each and everyone of us working towards a common goal, so that no one will be left behind and that our future generations can live in peace and harmony.

Lastly, I would like to introduce the things I have learnt through this volunteer and plan on what I will do in the following days and years to come. The fact that there is a reality that children can’t attend school had shocked me and made me appreciate the things around me that appeared to be normal. The smiles on the children’s faces made me want to get more involved in the development of a sustainable society, and take on the role of leading those who also feel the same commitment. Also, I also felt the need to spread awareness of SDGs no matter where I go, so that each goal could be solved as soon as possible.



満足 4つ星評価






SDGs とは何か?それを答えようにも答えられない自分がいました。そんな自分を変えるために参加しました。コロナ禍でできることは何かと考え、自分の関心があったSDGsについて学べる機会をオンラインでも得れるということを知り参加しました。











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