

『Small actions for big power』


『Small actions for big power』


I think there are many people in the world who think, “Even if you cooperate to achieve SDGs’ goals, you won’t be able to contribute at all.” “I don’t know what to do to achieve SDGs’ goals.” I was one of those who thought so.I thought “small actions of each individual” was important to achieve the goals of SDGs through ぼらぷらtraining.Then, I will focus on two of the goals of SDGs17 and write down my thoughts.
 The first is the goal of eliminating poverty.Currently, 767 million people worldwide, or one in ten, are said to be in extreme poverty.What can we do there?I think of it as donations and donations.It may be difficult for us to prevent conflicts and civil wars that cause poverty by ourselves.
 However, anyone can easily donate or raise money at any time.For example, stationery and clothing.I think stationery, which is still usable but no longer needed, will help children learn how to read and write letters in developing countries, and will increase their chances of receiving education.Clothes are reused or recycled into new things in refugee camps and conflict areas.Fundraising is useful in various fields, including vaccines, education, and emergency assistance.That’s why I think donations and donations are important.
 The second is the “responsibility to create”goal 12.What we can easily work on with this goal is to make a preliminary decision on what to buy.
 I think everyone has done it at least once when they buy things at convenience stores or supermarkets.However, the products displayed at supermarkets and convenience stores are placed from the front to the back so that the expiration date and expiration date are far away.In other words, if you take it from the back, the items that are close to the expiration date and expiration date in front of you will be left unsold.Then, the expiration date and expiration date will be expired, and it will be discarded.I think that by taking the lead, items that are close to the expiration date and expiration date will be sold first, and the displayed items will be discarded less often.
 Also, I think it’s better to decide what to buy in advance when shopping and taking from the front.If you don’t decide beforehand, when you go shopping, you’ll be attracted to new items and items on sale and buy a lot of unnecessary items.This will increase the number of “I didn’t use it” and “I forgot to use it and let it rot.”This leads to food loss, depletion of resources and large energy consumption, and environmental degradation.
 That’s why I think it’s important to decide what to buy in advance and take the initiative.
 SDGs don’t produce results when they do it alone.However, I think each and every one of us in the world can achieve our goal by working together to act steadily on the planet.Therefore, it is important for everyone to be conscious of small actions in their daily lives.
 Also, I don’t think there are many people who understand SDGs.So now that SNS is popular, let’s use SNS to promote SDGs.Then everyone’s consciousness will change and it will lead to the achievement of SDGs goals.
I will be there starting today!



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