

『The Earth’s Resorces』




『The Earth’s Resorces』


 In recent years, environmental problems have been interested by all over the world. So, I paid attention to the earth's resources. I especially thought about forest resources, energy resources, and food resources.
 First, forest resources. Currently, the world is losing forests, especially rainforests in the amazon. There are 4 reasons. Burning fields, cutting too many trees, conversion to farmland and illegal logging. These are caused by population growth. In order to solve this problem, I think that education is necessary to create a better labor system in poor areas. Trees should be planted in the right places, so we must think carefully before planting them. What we can do to curb the loss of rainforests is not to buy illegally logged timber. And I think we should reduce the use of paper products as much as possible. Moreover, I think it is important to increase education about forests. By doing so, everyone can be interested in the forest and understand more about it.
 Next, when considering energy resources, the world's energy consumption is increasing significantly due to economic growth and population growth. In particular, the use of fossil fuels is increasing, mainly in developing countries in Asia. I think the world needs sustainable energy. Fossil fuels are bad for environment because of emitting carbon dioxide. It is important to use the renewable energy and develop the new energy. I would like to ride a bicycle or use public transportation. There by I want to contribute to society by not emitting too much carbon dioxide.
 Finally, consider food resources. One in nine people in the world suffers from malnutrition. There are cases in which food has not been delivered in conflict areas, and it is necessary to secure safe transportation. In Japan, on the other hand, a large amount of food waste is serious problem. I think what we can do is to buy properly amount of food and to eat without leaving food. In addition, we believe that it is important to further advance frozen storage technology and reduce food loss at supermarkets and convenience stores.
 The waste of these resources is destroying natural environment. What these three resource challenges have in common is that they are caused by population growth. However, Japan's population is declining, so it is difficult to notice the problems that are occurring in the world. Therefore, what we can do is to take an interest in what happening in the world and treat things with care. I think that it is important for each one of us to change our awareness of the environment and change our actions. We naturally have a lot of things around us, but we must make effective use of resources by using them for a long time and reusing them. I would like to participate in volunteer activities and contribute to solving problems. And I would like to continue to be interested in the problems that are happening in the world and think about what we can do in our own way.




満足 4つ星評価













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