

『Make our common sense everyone's common sense』



『Make our common sense everyone's common sense』


There are many children in the world who do not have access to education. The main causes are poverty, war and gender discrimination. On the other hand, we are obliged to go to school, and now about half of Japanese go on to university. Sometimes we skip school or don’t go to school when we can. At such times, we do not even think that there are children who cannot get an education. No one would think that children much younger than us are now forced to work, or displaced or forced to fight for war. It is important for us to understand the situation in this world and to be grateful that we are able to take our lives for granted.
I think we should eliminate this kind of educational gap. What can we do to close the gap in education?
What do we get from going to school? We learn to read and write at school, and by learning at school, we can fulfill our dreams for the future. In addition, we also learn to save lives. Children who cannot go to school cannot read and write satisfactorily, and because they can only live in a small community, they cannot fulfill their dreams and hopes for the future. Despite the fact that everyone is born with a lot of hope, there are children who lose their big hopes depending on the country in which they were born. Even if they want to go to school and want to change their current situation, they can't appeal to the world because they can't read or write, so they can't get an education, and their children can't get an education in the same way. A negative chain is created. Also, at school, we sometimes learn how to protect our lives from earthquakes and typhoons, and how to protect our lives from diseases and infectious diseases. By learning these things, we can protect our lives and the lives of our loved ones. However, in countries where education is not available, people sometimes lose lives that would have been saved if they had been educated because they did not know how to save their lives. In Africa and Asia, large numbers of people are infected with sexually transmitted diseases, causing large numbers of deaths each year. In some parts of Asia, there is a preconceived notion that sexually transmitted diseases are contracted by homosexual people, and there is a strong sense of discrimination. The fact that the number of infected people continues to increase is also cited as a factor in the large number of infected people. Young women in Asia and Africa are forced to marry and have children at an early age. I believe that young women and their children often die unknowingly due to misperceptions. If I had been educated and had the right knowledge, I would not have lost two precious lives.
To prevent such tragedies, it is important to get an education. Poverty, war and gender discrimination must be resolved to ensure that all children have access to education. But what we can do will be limited. In poverty, donations and fair trade can be done. Fair trade can have a greater impact than any of us as individuals when governments and companies work together. Fair trade is important to solve child labor that prevents people from getting an education. Most importantly, more people should know and be interested in the fact that there are many children who do not have access to education. I volunteered to interact with Cambodian children online. Through this exchange, I could feel the difference in education with my own eyes. By telling many people what I felt and what I saw with my own eyes, if more people can take an interest in and tackle the problem, as a country and as a larger organization, I will try to solve the problem. will do. It is very important to eliminate the difference in education in this way. We need to solve this problem through donations and volunteers. Learning is a way of life for us humans, and everyone has the right to do so. We are grateful that we are able to go to school as a matter of course, and at the same time, Making our common sense the norm for children around the world is the first step towards realizing the United Nations goal of leaving no one behind.




大変満足 5つ星評価








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