

『Love and happiness to the world』




『Love and happiness to the world』


When do people feel "happy"?
Happiness is something that depends on the way each person feels and values. Some people feel happiness in small everyday moments, such as eating a delicious meal or socializing with friends, while others feel happiness through achieving a major goal or having a special experience. Through the training, we realized that what we perceive as "normal" is actually not normal for people around the world. We tend to think of our happiness as universal based on our narrow range of experiences and backgrounds, but in reality, people who grew up in different cultures and environments have different factors to feel happiness.
Therefore, I focused on the issue of discrimination around the world. People are not allowed to sit on the bus because they are black, or to study because they are female. Why is it that people's happiness is bound by others?
I have experienced it myself. My name is a little different from those around me, my nationality is different, and I have been self-conscious about it since I was a little girl. And I still do. I wish I didn't care, but you never know until you become one. But I can say that I have grown up more proudly than before. Because I am proud of my name. I am grateful to my parents for giving me a name that means something. I can say my name with pride. And I am proud of it.
I wonder if you have heard about the Montgomery Bus Boycott. The bus boycott took place in Montgomery, Alabama, in December 1955, when a black woman sat in the "whites-only and preferred seat" on a public bus and the white driver ordered her to give up her seat to a white passenger. She was later sentenced to a fine in state summary court in Montgomery City Hall. But I believe the woman refused to give up her seat because she is proud of who she is. I can feel such a strong will that should never be denied.
I feel that it is unfortunate that discrimination causes someone to be sad, but at the same time, I think that it could be better if I change something. We students may not be able to change historical backgrounds and world situations, but I believe that we can create a lot of happiness by helping and looking out for those around us.
And I would like to be so. We want to be able to clearly say "No" to wrong things without being bystanders.
Happiness is something that is shaped by individual feelings and culture, but there are also common elements. For example, being healthy, bonding with loved ones, and engaging in humanitarian activities are common elements that many people find happy. Through the training, I also learned that it is important to promote the happiness of others through acts of goodwill and compassion.
Happiness is a subjective and diverse concept that varies from individual to individual and culture to culture. We need to not only pursue our own happiness, but also respect and empathize with the happiness of others in today's global society. With this awareness, I want to be a member of a society that can understand and share the diversity of happiness through interaction with others and cultural exchange.



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