


『Attitudes toward the SDGs that we should have for “After ending of Covid-19”』





『Attitudes toward the SDGs that we should have for “After ending of Covid-19”』


About a year and a half have passed since the outbreak of the Covid-19 infection, and now "With Corona" is being advocated, our lifestyle has changed drastically. However, the impact of the coronavirus infection on the world has been significant, and now the coronavirus vaccine has begun to spread, the issues of poverty and economic disparity have come to the fore, and in contrast to the "No one will be left behind" set forth in the SDGs, many people have been left behind, and the disparity has been violently exposed.
There has been a lot of negative media coverage of the Corona disaster, which had a huge impact not only on one country but on the whole world. However, if we observe this situation from the perspective of the SDGs, we are now at a very important turning point in achieving the SDGs. In fact, Jeffery Sachs, a professor at Columbia University in the United States, who has been called a theoretical pillar of the SDGs, said that the current coronavirus situation "has made people realize the importance of the SDGs" and he accepts the fact that the current situation is very important for promoting the SDGs.
As a result of the spread of the coronavirus disease, various issues such as racial discrimination, economic recovery, labor issues, education issues, etc. have been covered in the media. In addition, the media coverage of both good and bad problems caused by the restriction of people's activities has allowed people around the world to reflect on and recognize how their actions affect the environment and society. In addition, the importance of the SDGs, which comprehensively cover these issues, has been reaffirmed through media coverage and the interest and attention they have attracted.
So, what is being done now that we are moving toward “After ending of Covid-19”?
Currently, society is discussing how to deal with future economic recovery, environmental problems, and disparities in society due to vaccination, in cooperation with the rest of the world to address the common issue of coronavirus infection. In other words, it can be said that this is a very important turning point for the achievement of the SDGs because many matters related to the achievement of the SDGs goals are currently being discussed around the world in After Corona.

 In response to this, I believe that "knowing about the SDGs" is very important for the first step, but now the stage is set, the next point to be achieved is to "make it personal.” In order to achieve this, I think it is very important to expand the influence of social networking sites from the perspective of teenagers. Now that the information on SDGs has been recognized to some extent, I would like to propose a questionnaire and a quiz that can be easily taken in a short period of time to find out and realize the extent to which one's actions have had an impact on the SDGs. I believe that we can "make it personal" by making it more concrete and connecting it to our daily lives. By taking advantage of the unique period of the Corona disaster, the influence of this event is immeasurable. Now that we can share, spread, and like with the click of a button, it is the perfect time to transcend national borders and make it a global affair, and as the world faces the turning point of the SDGs, it is very effective to take a look at the current situation.
Now that the whole world is moving toward “After Corona”, it is clear that this one small action, which is as simple as pushing a button, will become a big step that will involve the whole world and will be extremely beneficial.

鎌倉好男 教頭

Kudos for your achievement so far in spreading SDGs within your circle of influence. As you mentioned in your own essay, SNS can be a very powerful tool to make a positive impact on changing the behaviors and mindsets of those who are in the circle. If they empathize with your small actions, things will surely go viral, gaining momentum toward achieving SDGs. Best of luck in your future endeavors!


This essay is logically composed and well-focused on issues related to “With Corona” happened in the world. It is not easy to express your thoughts in English though, you are not only seeing issues, but also mention how you can specifically contribute to them as finding your voice towards sustainable society through this program. Small step will definetely change the world. We hope you will make your voice heard and it helps spread the awareness of sustainability more and more!



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